Unpredictable weather can make skiing or snowboarding in the UK a little difficult to plan. Well, that and the fact that there’s only a handful of actual snow resorts in the UK anyway. That’s why a lot of ski trips in the UK are on a whim. You wake up, look outside, see snow, or a promising photographic update from a resort you follow on social media, and off you go for the day. So, we’ve put together a list – in no particular order – of the best places to ski and snowboard in the UK when the snow does arrive to give you a few ideas. Get to your nearest or your favourite fast when the white stuff falls – because who knows how long it’ll last! Scotland 1. Glenshee Ski Centre When it comes to snowsports in the UK, Scotland is the best. There’s no two ways about it. That’s not the greatest news if you live in the south of England, where you can probably get to Chamonix quicker than the Scottish Highlands, but the overnight sleeper train has made this a much more accessible option no...